Friday, June 08, 2007

Mens Fraternity

Just another post about MF. If you havent taken a few minutes to read about this do so today. Log on to MF and check out the concepts and materials.

I look around all the time and see how hard it is to be a real man in todays society. I am not talking about just carrying a pistol and spitting chewing tobacco, or saying that you wrestle alligators, and was a Marine for 14 years lost in the wilderness and survived with only a knife you made out of some molten lava you held in your hand until it cooled.

I am talking about being a husband who actually leads, being a father who can show his kids how to parent and love at the same time. Being a man who can handle some conflict, with grace and tact, but is still firm.

I am talking about having a relationship with Jesus that surpasses what it was yesterday. Living a life everyday that is expecting God's greater reward.

I am not even saying I have all of these things handled, but I am trying to grow in them as well. I can't wait for Men's Fraternity to kick off in the fall! It is going to be great! I am stoked to see what God is up to in our lives as men!

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