Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Growth Rate

I was running some numbers and doing some planning today for the rest of the winter. I started comparing our October averages to last October. We have had a 61% increase in growth!

Praise God! I am so excited.

I also am pumped to announce that Christian and Jessi Walk are going to be leading our Life Groups from here on out. The really are focused and have captured the Vision of JCFC. Get ready for a great Life Group semester beginning January 08!

If you have any interest in leading or hosting a Life Group contact Christian at christianw@jordancreek.org

I have been praying for a long time about this position, and I know this is a huge step in the right direction for JCFC.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Weekend Update

Another great Sunday. We had 143 this morning in service! The band played well, and I spoke from Galatians 2. I love Paul and his straight forward approach to legalism. He didnt like it and neither do I.

I hope that at the end of the series we truly can understand the freedom we have in Christ. There is so much joy in knowing who you are in Him. I simply love being a part of Grace.

We had some friends in this weekend from Cedar Falls, it was great to get to connect again. We hung out yesterday and this afternoon. Also was able to get caught up on the Office. Love that show.

Fact, it is the most hilarious show on NBC. Question: Is NBC able to keep it funny and not ruin it?

I love to be able to just laugh out loud on Sunday evenings. Totally refreshing and recharging to me!

This is going to be a busy week. Meetings all day tomorrow. I am trying to stack all my meetings on one day. It helps me to stay in meeting mode!

Friday, October 26, 2007


I love to read through Hebrews 11. I like to envision it like a stadium full of the saints of God just cheering everyone on who is running the race of Faith. I love the journey God has us on. Amazing.

As I ran the half marathon last Sunday, I had a lot of time to think (read, Josh isnt a very fast runner). One of the things that really moved me, was when I saw people up ahead, I picked up the pace. They were cheering for me, encouraging me, telling me that I can make it.

(One guy told us to be careful as the corner wasn't banked, and since we were running so fast, he didnt want us to fly off in the the lake... He was too funny.)

But as I finally rounded the last corner, the last several blocks were lined with people cheering. Both sides of the road, people were ringing bells, and shouting, and holding up signs. It was in that moment that I began to dig deep. I was tired, and my knees hurt, and hot. But down inside there grew a passion as people spurred me on to finish strong.

I began to sprint, others around me began to do the same. My feet moved faster. My heart rate climbed. My breathing increased, but I knew I was going to finish strong. I knew everyone would be proud. I would feel accomplished...

13.1 miles completed.

I have replayed that moment over and over in my mind. The joy of finishing the race while everyone is cheering.

I think we all can do better at cheering others along. I am making it my new goal, to make sure as a leader I am cheering others along.

It is vital that we encourage one another. So today, make sure you give some one an affirmation in what they do, or who they are in Christ.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mutliple Thoughts

1. My phone doesnt work at my house. I am trying to swtich to VOIP with Mediacom. They were supposed to be here Monday. No one showed. So today my real phone was disconnected with Qwest.

I hope this isnt and omen.

2. Mens fraternity is in a few minutes and I am stoked. I love Thursdays.

3. I go to meet an architect who will be putting together some prelimanry sketches for us for a building. ( Dont get too excited, it is still a few years off, but we NEED to be dreaming about it!)

4. I heard a staggering stat this week. Did you know that Polk county has 6,000 homeless people?

Blows my mind. I think JCFC can make a difference in that. Pray with me.

5. I love the fall, I love the change in weather. I love to break out the sweaters.

Invite someone to service this weekend. Use the e-invites from the JCFC site bottom right corner! Redeem technology with us.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday Recap

Again, just wanted to say thanks to everyone who volunteers and makes Sunday a success. With out you guys it wouldnt be working.

I mentioned in an earlier post that we had a huge crowd. Well, got the total earlier this evening. Are you ready?

169! Awesome. Just a normal Sunday and wow!

Love to see what God is doing!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Des Moines Marathon

We this morning I tackled the Des Moines Marathon. Well actually I ran the half. 13.1 miles.

Sounds easier on the front side of the marathon. It was a great experience and I was glad I was a part of it. I didnt log a killer time or anything, but was so pleased I finished.

The funniest moment of the day was when I was rounding mile 9. I hear a motorcycle coming on my left, honking saying, "move to the right, the Kenyans are coming."

The "Kenyans" were on mile 22 or 23 when I was crossing mile 9. Three of them. Amazing. They run so effortlessly. They didnt even look like they were working. I think one guess was working on PDA, making business deals... :)

Met a couple nice guys, and ate some GU. You should try some... and lots of water.

BTW, I hear everyone hit it out of the park today. I havent gotten an official count yet, but I think we broke a record.

Awesome, maybe I need to be gone more often.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Scott and Carrie Baker

Scott and Carrie have just had a new baby in the past two weeks. It is our custom as a church family to make sure the new mom gets several meals after she comes home from the hospital. Families volunteer to take meals to them that are easy to either reheat or just ready to go hot! It is awesome.

Here is an excerpt from an email from Scott today.

Just wanted to email and say thanks for all the meals over the past weeks.
Would you please let all of the people who took the time to make us food and
drive out to our home and drop it off that we really, really appreciate it!
We are going to try to make it to church tomorrow. We will see how we do.
Thanks again and please pass the word. Scott and Family.

Way to go JCFC, spread the love around...

I love where I serve!

Church Buildings

I love it that the kids of our church have no idea what a "church" is. I love it because it helps us to realize that the church is about people not buildings. Several of the kids on the church have never been to a "traditional church building."

Angela Sustala was telling me that her son Jake was in the car the other day and they drove by a church building. He looked up and asked her, "What is that place?"

She replied, "That is a church."

He quickly responded, "Well it doesn't look like one."

I love it. We can have church everywhere, anywhere, anytime. Because church is made up of Christ Followers. Sure we will have a building that is "ours" someday, but I pray we always keep the mindset its not about the facility.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Just an update on the death of Connor this week. The Coroner has concluded that his death was accidental. He apparently had been attempting a "high" by choking himself. It just went too far.

It is very tragic, for the entire family. My parents are headed to the funeral Saturday. Pray for their safety as the drive to the Carolinas.

Remember this family this weekend.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gary Lamb

Was able to have a great phone call with Gary Lamb today. He started a church in Georgia about 3 years ago. They meet in a theater as well. They have had some crazy growth too! Love to talk with other church planters who are a little further head of what we do here. He had some great counsel and advice for where we are right now!

Gary and I met via blogosphere over two years ago, and were able to actually meet at the Buzz conference in DC last year.


Just wanted to ask everyone to pray for my family. The grandson of my Aunt Bev and Uncle Donny hung himself this morning. He was only twelve. Aunt Bev and Uncle Donny were on there way to visit them for a long weekend. ( the kids lived in the Carolinas) Today is my Aunts birthday as well.

Just pray for the York family today. Tragic.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Lots has transpired since my last post. Amazing what can happening a week. I have passed into the 30s. Weird feeling to say the least.

Sunday was Pastor Appreciation day, and I got a sweet new Ipod! Love it. Mine died about a year ago. As many of you know, I can break anything connected to technology. Hopefully I can break that trend with this one.

Colin has been absolutely hilarious. He is talking non-stop about everything. Awnna is reading everything she can get her hands on.

Dara and I are making sure our relationship is first. I love what I do, but at the end of the day, I want to be Joshua, not all the titles I carry. So that in 19 years when both my kids are out of school, Dara and I still love each other for who we are. So many couples fall apart after their kids leave or careers peak. They look at each other and realize they dont even know who they are sleeping next to.

I also am trying to prioritize my life between church goals, personal goals and family goals. I love goals but if they are out of balance, look out.

Herberts Blog has been rocking my thoughts in the past couple days.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Marriage Conference

Just wanted to encourage everyone to Check out our Completely One marriage conference coming up. November 2nd and 3rd is just around the corner. If you havent registered, do so before the 19th!

This is going be a great conference, that will help shape your marriage into what it needs to be. There is no reason to just have an average marriage, when you can have a great one!

Join us in this weekend get away to become Completely One!

For more info contact Brian at 710-9400.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Just Listen to this guy

This is a radio call in show. I got it in an email and it just cracked me up.

Take a listen.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Great Scripture

I ran across a scripture in I Chronicles the other day.

I Chronicles 28:20

David is speaking to his son Solomon in regards to building the temple.

"Be strong and of good courage, and do it; fear not, not be dismayed; for the Lord God, even my God, will be with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you, until you have finished the work for the service of the house of Lord."

Just moved me when I read it. Be Strong.

Entry Points

I have been thinking about entry points lately. What kind of entry points to we create for people to connect with our church?

I firmly believe that the best method of drawing people is coming to church on the arm of a friend. We call it "tag-team" evangelism. You bring your friend to church, tag me. Then I speak the truth, while we work hard to create an inviting encounter with God. After service I tag you, and you take the relationship to a new level.

But there needs to be entry points for people to connect. Some of those entry points are Life Groups. we always have some groups that are pretty much just a relational group. For example the Cycling Club, is a relational group. We dont have any kind of theological exegesis on the text before we ride... We just ride and have fun. It is a great opportunity to invite your friend.

Others are weddings. I know churches who have 600 rules about weddings, the music, the reception, the whatever. In turn they don't perform any weddings. But a wedding is an awesome opportunity to share Christ with someone. They are asking for God's blessing in this step, why not try to get them connected in the church? It is an awesome entry point. Whether its the lead pastor or not, doesn't matter to me. It could be a well developed staff performing the weddings, I just feel like its a great time to invest in their life as they are open enough to want Gods help in their marriage.

We are brainstorming about what entry points look like at JCFC. New babies? A care package at the hospital if someone is sick? A new neighbor moving in? Jobs, school starts, changes in the routine?

How can we be involved in some of the natural changes in peoples lives, and connected them through entry points?

BTW, we had 154 for the weekend! Awesome. Some of which are a part of the church through some of the non-traditional entry points.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Blogs I read

Just thought I'd give everyone some food for thought. I read a whole list of blogs ona regular basis.

I use a standard feed reader called netvibes, it works great to put each feed on a page so I can just glance over each blog and not actually have to go to the site. It saves all kinds of time. (time management remember?)

I read a whole list, and this list is by no means exhaustive, nor is it in order of preference.

Mark Batterson
Tony Morgan
Perry Noble
Steven Furtick
Herbert Cooper
Gary Lamb
Mark Driscoll
Seth Godin
Scott Hodge
Jim Larson
Craig Groeschel

I also read some of the personal blogs from the people in the church, and the team leadership. It is a great way to connect with people all over the country. I feel like I can grow as a leader by reading some others blogs and learning form the same things they are learning.

Blogging and reading blogs can be a great source of encouragement and growth. You need to limit yourself though. There is only some much content you can ingest with out putting some feet to the dream.

Traditional Hebrew thought ( the thought processes the text was written with) teaches it is not so much contingent on your thoughts, it is what you do with those thoughts.

So are you putting any feet to faith?