Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Lots has transpired since my last post. Amazing what can happening a week. I have passed into the 30s. Weird feeling to say the least.

Sunday was Pastor Appreciation day, and I got a sweet new Ipod! Love it. Mine died about a year ago. As many of you know, I can break anything connected to technology. Hopefully I can break that trend with this one.

Colin has been absolutely hilarious. He is talking non-stop about everything. Awnna is reading everything she can get her hands on.

Dara and I are making sure our relationship is first. I love what I do, but at the end of the day, I want to be Joshua, not all the titles I carry. So that in 19 years when both my kids are out of school, Dara and I still love each other for who we are. So many couples fall apart after their kids leave or careers peak. They look at each other and realize they dont even know who they are sleeping next to.

I also am trying to prioritize my life between church goals, personal goals and family goals. I love goals but if they are out of balance, look out.

Herberts Blog has been rocking my thoughts in the past couple days.

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