Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Weekend update

Welcome to weekend update.

This weekend we had a great service. If you missed it, hopefully we can have the sermon uploaded to our sight soon. I am dealing with someone now who can make that happen for us. We had 49 people this weekend and everyone really seemed to engage well.

We spoke on having a changed life from the book of Philemon.

The first step in having a changed life is to Face your problems don't deny them. It is vitally important to not run from your issues. Like Onesimus, who in light of death, faced his master whom he stole from. It is paramount in the life of a Christ Follower to deal straight on with the issue.

Second, we all need to not Focus on what once was but focus on what is to be. We each need a "pote denuni" experience. That is the Greek from where we get the phrase "formerly, but now" in Philemon 11. God doesn't live in our past so why should we. Once we yield ourselves to Christ, the past is over. He wipes it all clean and we get a fresh start.

Well, that's weekend update. I'm Tina Fey, and I'm Jimmy Fallon hoping you have great tomorrow...

1 comment:

joshua said...

nate go for it. it sounds good. I have a guy working right now on getting out sermons into files we can get to the website. so it should be much work to get them "podcastable"