Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I am researching our new sermon series this week that begins on January 15th. It is simply called Revolution. Mark Main gave me a great book that goes right along with what we are trying to accomplish, Revolution by George Barna. I would encourage any one to read this book. You might hear some overlap with the sermon if you do, though! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joshua,

Barna's "Revolution" will be discussed this Friday night (2-3-06) on the nationwide Moody Broadcasting Network. "Open Line" is a call-in show which is aired at 8-8:55 pm CT. The phone number to participate is 312-329-4460.

What Barna is setting forth in this book has been subject to a wide variety of opinion and speculation. He was personally invited to clarify the issues. It should be an informative exchange.

For station and time of broadcast information see The programs are archived for download/podcast if you're unable to tune in.