Friday, January 13, 2006

Godcasting and Fox news

Check out this link to the video spot that Fox did on NCC in DC. Amazing.


Anonymous said...

WOW, good night on Friday, Holy Toledo, what other weird "Pastor Lori-ism" can I add? That is an incredible example of "favor with God and Man"!!!! Just think, that can be a tool for us, too. As Ty from Extreme Makeover says, "LET'S DO IT!"

Tim Elzea said...

Hey Josh,
Just checking in and noticed that you tried to link to the video that Fox did at our church. Isn't God good?

That interview was totally unsolicited and quite frankly we are amazed at the amount of positive press that we have received. As Pastor Mark says, "Lets continue to work like it depends on us, and pray like it depends on God."

Catch you later!