Thursday, November 24, 2005


It is a family tradition to hunt thanksgiving morning for our family. At least it was when I was a kid. I have a lot of fond memories when I was just a boy hunting with my dad. Often times I didn't pay as much attention to the woods and the animals as I should have. I was too busy trying to step in exactly the same places we had stepped. I was determined not to make a sound. I also was trying my best to take as long a stride as my father. Little did I know, that just wasn't possible, becuase my legs were too short.

I often missed the enjoyment of the hunt because I was so engrossed in the details and living years ahead in my brain when I could lead, and take big steps.

Today as a church planter I have to rememeber those times. It is too easy to think in a year from now. In five years we can... I want to live in the moment right now. Savor every positive thing that happens. Laugh at the mistakes. Reveal in watching people'ds live be changed. Not be bogged down so much on why we cant pull this or that off like a church that has been doing media for 10 years.

So tonight as I think about Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the 4 believers that were baptized last Friday. Thankful for the beautiful baby that was dedicated to God on Sunday. And honored that God would allow me to be in the place that I am right now.

I love what I do. I was created for this very moment.

Thank you God.

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