Saturday, August 18, 2007

Baptism By the Bay

We are gearing up for our Baptism and Bar-B-Que on September the 9th at Lake Panorama. My friend Mark Batterson has allowed us to use their video from there baptism in DC. We have showed it a few times on Sunday, but here is it for you to see!


Jenn said...

I love seeing this video, I especially love the scene of the couple being baptized together. But it totally bums me out that we leave for vacation on September 8, don't think I wouldn't cancel (or reschedule) our trip if I could. I can't wait to talk to everyone about how wonderful it was, I hope you guys will video it too.

joshua said...

We are videoing as well. Two cameras and a pro photographer! We will miss you guys, but we will do another soon!