Saturday, September 22, 2007


We got our new copier in and it works. If I can keep from breaking it, we will be in good shape. It is a very nice machine, and I am pumped to be able to use it on a regular basis.

I know some of you have asked about my camping trip with the kids. It didnt go quite as planned. I am telling the story in the morning in the sermon Embracing Uncertainty. You'll need to be there to hear it. Not only does it involve camping, but a homecoming football game, lack of blankets and trip to the wrong place...

BTY, I have a 2 drawer oak filing cabinet at the office, that is free to a good home. If no one claims in the next couple days, we will be "filing" the filing cabinet!

1 comment:

amain said...

oh my goodness...that teaser is enough to get me out of bed on a Sunday morning:)
Can I count on my husband NOT taking our kids camping so I can have an evening to myself???