Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Godly" Men

You know we have this idea that all the Godly men who have ever been used of God were just awesome Christ followers. We have this idea that after we come to Jesus we no longer struggle with any thing. We also often feel that God only uses those who are perfect and do not struggle with things in our life. How quickly that idea is crushed when we really dive into God's word.

Adam, the first created man sinned just by gentle encouragement of his wife.
Noah, the only righteous man on earth gets wasted just after getting off the ark.
Abraham, the father of all nations, lies to Pharaoh about his wife being his sister, and trades her for all kinds of goods...

Man, thankfully God is patient huh, and he doesn't require us to be perfect before he begins to use us.

Think about that before you cast judgment on someone else's life as they follow Christ.

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