Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bible Study

Well today I started a new thing. I am on a 90 day encounter with God's word. I have committed to read the entire Bible cover to cover in the next 90 days. The way that it happens is by reading basically 12 pages a day.

I am still reading other things, but I have been feeling God directing me to be saturated with God's word. It is the road map of life. Now I have read every book at one point or another at least once, but I have never read straight through. So now I am on a journey.

I want to be well versed in God's thoughts. I like to know what people around me are thinking. One of my favorite things to ask is, "What are you thinking?" So I ask myself, "What is God thinking?"

The answer is right in front of me.

I journeyed from creation to Abraham and Sarah's life with Ishmael today. I love to read a great story.

Wouldn't the Bible make a great epic movie? It would be rated R though :)

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