Three cheers for mentors!
Mens Fraternity last Thursday we discussed mentors. Dr Lewis talked about not only why we need mentors, but how they affect us, and how we can be one.
The interesting point is that a Father can only take his son so far. He is not objective, and often sees the flaws and areas that need improvement. That is no throw off on Dads, it just the way we are.
Mentors though see beyond that realm.
The challenge you to go beyond your self. The push in a loving way, that makes you feel scared and accomplished at the same time. Love it.
So I was looking back over my life. Eugene Vincent was a guy I worked for in High School, and some in college. He ran a body shop on about 60 to 80 acres ( i think). My job was to learn how to be a body man. I loved it, it was dirty and dusty and probably shaved a few years off my life living in the fumes, but I learned so much.
The first couple hours of the day, I was supposed to take care of the farm. He had cattle and horses, a stud horse, a few hogs and lots of fence and barns to maintain. (I
have since decided I dont like cattle or fences but none the less)Gene never really told me exactly how to do any of the projects. He just told me the general idea of what needed to be done, gave me the proper tools, and said that I could do it.
I remember a few times,
not really believing that I could do what he asked me, but again in a very confident way, he pushed me and them usually left me there to handle it.
He trusted me with things that were probably beyond me. He challenged me to grow. He pushed me to excel. And I thrived in it. I didnt make bags of money by any stretch, but
I wouldnt trade those times for anything.In a strange sort of way it made me a greater leader, because it developed a fearlessness in me like never before.
Thanks Gene for being a mentor and maybe not even knowing it.