Monday, April 07, 2008

Weekend Update

What a Sunday, huh? If you werent here this weekend you missed it. It was the 70's revisited for sure. During the meet and greet, the band played the Ojays Money song (the theme from the Apprentice) and I walked out in the powder blue 70 suit, and afro wig. It was great.

I then spoke about the the bondage that finances have on our life, and the freedom that come from freeing ourselves from that slavery. There are 5 time more scriptures on money and giving than prayer. 66% of the topics of the parables Jesus spoke of where about money, giving, and possessions. So I figure if Jesus spoke about it frequently we should too.

It is a very spiritual topic. The Bible is full of references to how we should handle the money.

Closed the service dealing with how each of us have a sin debt that we CANNOT pay on our own, no matter what we do, give or act like. Jesus paid it all, and at least 8 people accepted Christ or re-dedicated their life.

It was a great Sunday.

Dont miss next week, we are going to be making a huge announcement. The biggest in JCFC history.

Invite your friends TODAY, as we learn how to become financially free from some timeless Biblical principles that apply to everyone!


Anonymous said...

the biggest announcement in JCFC history?? we may have to make the drive. :)

oh, and p.s. - did you guys know that DMB is playing in Omaha in July? true.

joshua said...

I did heard about Dave, Would love to make it happen! Steal me some tickets!

Yep, big announcement and every one cant wait. I am picking Dara up fro the airport in Omaha tomorrow at 6. Maybe we could grab some dinner? call me. 205-9895

Anonymous said...

hey - we can make that work. we'll call you tonight to figure out when & where.

Anonymous said...

I can totally see you doing that. LOL! It also reminds me of the time we were in Neosho and you had the afro wig (same one??) and wore it to Wendy's :) Fun times. I want to come see you :)


Amy and I were Blessed by Dave Ramsey's book many years ago as we were courting, I have since been listening to his podcasts, perhaps a link to his podcast on church page would be appropriate for this series? (as well as when we offer FPU)