Monday, April 07, 2008

My grandma

Just spoke with my mom, and they said my grandmas cancer is aggressive and there is nothing they can do. Surgery is too involved, and not good options. Radiation is out because she had cobalt radiation some 40 years ago. The Doc said that since they have no idea how much she had then, they dont want to try any more for fear it will cause more damage than good. And the Chemo doctor said no, since she didnt respond well to it 2 years ago with the colon cancer.

So not good odds. She wants to enjoy the summer and work in the yard, and just live.

Pray for her and my family.


Anonymous said...

I don't want her to suffer. I hope she is feeling well when the baby comes in September, but, if that would mean her suffering, then I don't wish that on her. It's in God's hands and He will take care of her, I know.


Having lost my Grandma (my adult Ally) recently I empathize greatly. May God pour out in great measure His peace and comfort upon her and upon all those she loves.

daine said...

Man i am sorry.
heres to a great summer and time to get to be with her.