Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. This is a busy week! But exciting. I keep getting email from people about how God is blessing them for tithing.

2. We had at least 10 families commit to tithing this weekend. Awesome. I know God is going to supernaturally bless them.

3. Shanna is rocking our office. She is getting all kinds of things done. Its so awesome to have her in a couple days a week now!

4. Membership 2.5 is tonight and I am pumped. We want everyone in our church to be a part of our membership classes. 1.0 is awesome, but 2.0 and 2.5 will change the way your view being a follower of Christ. If you want a deeper experience, be at the next 2.0

5. Love my wife and kids. Dara is finally feeling some better, and its nice to be able to really talk with her again. She has been out of it since Wednesday with double ear infection and step throat.

6. Moving forward with the property purchase. Lots to check out and examine, but exciting to be headed toward 10.1 acres on Ashworth and Jordan Creek Parkway. Be praying about our big Property Sunday on June 29th...

7. Got the new Need to Breathe album today! Shonda sent it via Shanna! Awesome, thanks. They are one of my favorite bands!

1 comment:

Shanda said...

So glad you like the NeedToBreathe album! They are great! I actually got to hear and meet them last night!! Shanna might have told you it was last week, because I thought it was. Oops. Do you have their other cd too? If not, I'll hook ya up.

Have a great day! Hope everyone is getting and staying healthy!