Thursday, August 28, 2008

My thoughts

1. My sister is about ready to deliver her first baby. :)

2. Cant wait for our next series. it is going to be amazing. We mailed out 26,152 full color 6x11 postcards today.

3. I was on a 2 hr conference call with Nelson Searcy today. It was great. I was really challenged.

4. Reading two great books right now, Simple Church by Thom Rainer, and Fusion by Nelson Searcy.

5. Praying for 100 marriages to be changed by this fall series. Invite your friends and family to be a part. Its a great series for broken marriages, good marriages, and great ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soo good to see you and Colin yesterday! Next time I see you - you'll be an uncle again. :) Love you