Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

1 I havent been every consistent with the blog world lately!

2 Good coffee makes the day so much better.

3 Excited about the One Prayer series starting this weekend. "Lord make us Inviting"

4. June 29th we are showing a video about the new church property and receiving pledges and offerings toward our $50,000 goal for our property fund!

5. Burdened for our city. God is stirring me in new ways. Excited to dream about what God sees for the Church (city wide) in our city.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bible Journey

Powerful text today from I John 3:4-6

"All who indulge in a sinful life are dangerously lawless, for sin is a major disruption of God's order. Surely you know that Christ showed up in order to get rid of sin. There is no sin in him, and sin is not part of his program. No one who lives deeply in Christ makes a practice of sin. None of those who do practice sin have taken a good look at Christ. They've got him all backward."

Surely we know... but I fear too many dont know. Some 350,000 people wont be in service this weekend in our city alone. Surely they dont know that Christ showed up to rid them of sin.

Will you invite someone to have the freedom you now have in Christ?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mothers Day Video

Check this out! Anybody want a Shine?!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Church Planters Round Table

I am in Oklahoma City today and tomorrow for a great event. A few years ago I got invited to be a part of some of the most successful church planters in the country. It is a great time to listen and recharge my batteries. These guys have all different backgrounds, thoughts, and ideas, but I always leave with a bigger picture of the Kingdom and how to reach more people.

I drove this year, and am ready to crash. I will have some blog links for you late tomorrow of some of the guys.

Made a new friend from Ohio today. Konan Stephans. He is hitting it out the park in Columbus! He also is a tri-ahthlete. Pretty cool guy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What does over 1600 miles in a car amount to?

Lots of hilarious things being heard from the back seat.

1. Less than five miles out of town, from Colin, "Dad are we there yet?"

2. 10 minutes later, "Dad, How many minutes til we get there?" (its about a 6-7 hour trip)

3. "Dad, did you see that sweet race car?" I have one of those...

4. "Dad, Now how many minutes."

5. "Dad, I have some ear stuff on my finger" (wax) "I needa put it back."

6. "I gotta potty real bad."

7. "Dad, Colin is picking his nose and showing me the boogers!"

8. "Dad, Now how many minutes?"

9. "Dad, can we listen to Hannah Montana again?"

10. "Aw gross, he just ate that booger!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

random thoughts

1. Whirlwind week. Dara's grandmother passing. Leaving our pastors retreat early. Renting two cars to get home... Crazy

2. Great Sunday. The band did great. Sermon was pretty direct about nurturing marriages.

3. Podcasts are down, our tech team is having some IP issues. But it will be up soon.

4. Got to spend some time with my grandma today. She is battling cancer for the 4th time. Unless God intervenes, this time doesnt look promising.

5. Our family and friends our digging out the rubble from the F4 tornado that hit Neosho Mo. The Lake family (SR) lost their house. Praise God they survived.

6. Took a personality test today. Love them and hate them. Love to see the strengths, but hate to see those disappointing weaknesses. Man do I always need to grow as a leader.

7. Been thinking a lot about heaven past month. Dont think we do that enough as believers. It is going to be great.

8. Praying for the people in China after the earthquake. So terrible

Monday, May 12, 2008

Blog Messed up

Dont know why my feed isnt working...

But i am alive...