Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Wow, I have been studying for this weeks new sermon series called relevant. The is Sunday we will simply be talking about "table talk."

The questions that arise are "what makes something relevant?" or "this used to be relevant but not anymore. What do we do with that?" Then it just gets crazy after that.

The real issue at hand is that we are supposed to making disciples of people. We are supposed to be helping people who are seeking truth make a decision for Christ, but instead so many churches split hairs over things that really don't matter.

I am not trying to be relevant to be cool or trendy. That is not the objective at all. But Jesus was amazingly relevant. Rarely do you hear him making profound things hard to understand. He simplified them for people to understand. Yet we make simple things difficult and hard to understand.

He also spent most of his teaching time teaching those who didn't have it all together. He was careful and loving with those who didn't know him. He was bold and even harsh to the religious crowd who were more often pretending to be something they weren't. Yet we focus our services to the "religious" not the seeker. Why when Jesus spent most fo his time with the non-religious?

We are here to build believers, yes. But also to serve seekers with truth.

This weekend we will have a table set up that represents the church. It will be the focal point of each sermon for the next 5 weeks.

Think about your role at the table. Were do you sit, what do you eat, what do you do? Ultimately who are we serving?

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